Trauma-focused therapy is a division of Lighthouse Behavioral Health’s outpatient Behavioral Health Clinic that is dedicated to improving the safety and well-being of adults, children and caregivers by addressing the psychological impact of trauma exposure, re-establishing safety for the family, improving the quality of parent-child attachment, providing age-appropriate developmental guidance, and improving both parent and child capacity for positive self-regulation and conflict resolution. All in an effort to interrupt the intergenerational transmission of violence and trauma.
Our multi-disciplinary LBHFTC team provides trauma-informed treatments and services to children and families, builds professional knowledge through clinical research, and advances the field of child trauma treatment through collaboration, training and dissemination. We provide case management services to families in need of advocacy and support around navigating community resources
Services include: Groups for adult victims; and individual and family counseling for children, adolescents, and adults
Witnessing Domestic Violence
Witnessing Community Violence
Physical abuse Sexual abuse
Medical Instrumentation
Natural Disasters
Immigration Separation or loss
Provide mental health and related services to child and adult crime victims, and their significant others
Witnessing Domestic Violence
Witnessing Community Violence
Physical abuse
Sexual abuse
Medical Instrumentation
Natural Disasters
Separation or loss
Provide mental health and related services to child and adult crime victims, and their significant others
Services include
Groups for adult victims
Individual and family counseling for child/adolescent victims